What have ACT Committees been up to this year?

General News,
Recognizing the accomplishments of ACT's fantastic volunteer leaders

With 2024 wrapping up, we're taking a moment to spotlight some of the many accomplishments from within our membership. ACT's Board Committees have been hard at work driving the organization forward and implementing new programs, policies, and processes.

Each success would not be possible without the volunteer leadership of committee members. Thank you to every person who contributed to the following achievements! Read below to learn about a few highlights from each committee. 

Accreditation Committee
  • Accredited TDM Organization pilot: The Accreditation Committee launched a pilot to evaluate and test organizational accreditation. Whether organizations are seeking to strengthen external partnerships, expand their credibility, or increase program efficiency, the accreditation process has many benefits. This initiative provides a chance to establish a universally accepted set of standards and recognize high-performing organizations that provide TDM programs and services.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
  • All Aboard page: This year, the Committee launched its All Aboard page, which is a collection of monthly articles that uplift observances honoring all types of people and stories. These pieces shed light on histories, stories, and voices of historically marginalized identities. You can learn more by visiting the page here.
  • Land Acknowledgements: Through the leadership of committee members in collaboration with ACT's Board, the association formalized an official policy surrounding Land Acknowledgements. At events, acknowledgements will now be found on a pop-up banner, and they will be added to a dedicated page on the website. Through the DE&I Committee's work, greater eyes will be on these acknowledgements, and a greater understanding of their importance will be had.
  • DE&I tracks at ACT events: DE&I is a vital aspect of the TDM industry, and through the efforts of the committee, ACT has been able to formally offer DE&I tracks at recent events. The TDM Forum, hosted in Charlotte, NC, had a dedicated learning opportunity surrounding "Ensuring TDM for Everyone." 

Events Oversight Committee
  • Launching Spring into TDM: ACT held the first-ever Spring into TDM event this year! The ACT West Coast Regional TDM Summit was a fantastic example of regional engagement in the Northern California area. Under the leadership of the Events Oversight Committee, the association has established strong groundwork for future Spring into TDM programming.

Finance Committee
  • Funding opportunities for 2025: This year, the Finance Committee sought out, reviewed, and approved funding requests from the Carpool and TMA/TMO Councils to support new projects in 2025. These initiatives will provide great value to the association and its members.

Governance Committee
  • New Conflict of Interest Policy: The Governance Committee took the time to update ACT's Conflict of Interest policy this year. Their efforts have extended coverage to include chapter and council leaders, who are vital volunteer leaders. ACT remains committed to continuing to improve procedures as the association grows and evolves, and this new policy is a testament to that commitment.

Membership Committee
  • Membership Diversity Initiative: In June, the committee launched a pilot program to enrich ACT's community with diverse perspectives. The Membership Diversity Initiative offers financial assistance to organizations toward their ACT membership. Each application undergoes committee review for either a full or partial dues subsidy. This program is a vital step toward creating a more inclusive and dynamic professional community.

Professional Development Committee
  • ImpACT! Leadership: The ImpACT! Leadership seminar has a new location! Starting in 2025, the in-person leadership training component will take place in Atlanta, Georgia. This development is part of the committee's continuing work to expand ImpACT's offerings to rising leaders in the association. The group's oversight ensures that this program continues to grow and offer even better leadership, networking, and learning opportunities to impactees.
  • 40 Under 40 Awards: The PD Committee has been hard at work on a new and exciting proposal for ACT awards. Previously, the association recognized outstanding professionals under the age of 40 at the 40 Under 40 Awards. Further details will come, but this discussion and guidance represents an exciting direction for the awards.

Public Policy Committee
  • ACT PAC Launch: This year, ACT formally launched ACT PAC,  a non-partisan political action committee established to support and elect candidates for federal office, supportive of the use of Transportation Demand Management strategies that create an efficient, multi-modal transportation system that moves all people. This powerful tool will help the association support candidates in line with ACT's mission and policy agenda.
  • GAO study on the use of TDM at airports: In may of this year, the FAA Reauthorization ACT of 2024 was signed into law. Included was ACT-championed language requiring the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to conduct a study on the efficacy of TDM strategies at United States airports. This policy win is a notable step toward highlighting TDM's vital role in ensuring quality transportation options in communities throughout the country.
  • Commuter benefits proposal: Sub-groups within the Public Policy Committee have been hard at work developing recommendations surrounding commuter tax benefits. These efforts resulted in a concrete proposal to update and expand them. ACT looks forward to sharing them in the new year, so be sure to stay tuned for these details.

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