Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is charged with identifying the needs, training, and support for ACT members to ensure that the Association continually improves equity and supports a culture of respect within its membership.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee Charter (PDF)
DEI Survey Executive Summary (PDF)
Have questions, concerns, feedback, or ideas? We are always open to feedback and welcome your contribution to making ACT a more inclusive community! Please submit your thoughts here.
All Aboard: Celebrating Our Stories
In celebration of contributions of historically marginalized identities, ACT's DE&I Committee commemorates each month throughout the year to shed awareness to all types of people and stories. The All Aboard page features provide continued learning opportunities that recognize and value historical legacies and experiences of a diverse array of identities. Visit the link below to learn more!
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee
Director of Sustainability and Transportation Demand Manager California State University - Fullerton
Senior Vanpool Program Associate Potomac & Rappahannock Transportation Commission
MPM & TDM-CP TDM Service Area Lead & Project Manager Foursquare ITP