TDM-CP® Certification for TDM Professionals
The Association for Commuter Transportation's TDM-CP credential is the only certification program for Transportation Demand Management (TDM) professionals. This program supports your continuing education and professional development, enhancing the knowledge and performance of local, state, federal, private-sector and non-profit TDM professionals
The role of the TDM professional continues to expand with increased congestion in urban cores, mobility challenges in rural and developing regions, the growth of new business districts, shifting commuter patterns, demand for convenience, and the development of technologies that have created more mobility options. TDM-CP lays the foundation for ensuring that highly qualified individuals are available to meet the challenge of addressing the diverse needs of commuters, communities, and employers.
The TDM-CP exam can be applied for year round. Upon approval of your application, you will have one year to take the exam. Exams can be taken at any time.
A list of current Transportation Demand Management Certified Professionals (TDM-CP) can be found here.
Benefits of earning your TDM-CP include:
Be recognized as a leader in the field
- Stand out to your employer
- Strengthen your case for promotions
- Increase your marketability
- Grow your professional creditibility and subject matter expertise
- Invest in your professional growth
Quick Resources
About the Exam | Candidate Handbook | Exam Application | Study Guide | Exam Content Outline |
Certification Board of Trustees
PMP, TDM-CP Deputy Managing Director Atlanta Regional CommissionSecretary
TDM-CP, AICP Senior Research Associate Center For Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) (813)974-9801
TDM-CP President Northeast Transit Pl & Mgt Corp / NorthEase Consulting Group (781)864-3096
Principal and National Director of Higher Ed Mobility Planning Walker Consultants (607)227-6801
TDM-CP, AICP Sustainable Transportation Manager Virginia Tech (540)235-6247
TDM-CP Bay Area Regional Planner San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission (SJRRC) (209)395-8329
AICP, PMP, TDM-CP Director of Transportation Planning Longwood Collective