TDM Program Analyst
The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) is seeking a Program Analyst to perform data collection and evaluation activities for the Commuter Connections Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program for the metropolitan Washington, DC region.
The successful candidate for this position has a strong ability to collect, publish, and analyze data generated by the program to help inform strategic direction. The candidate will be responsible for writing and proofreading various technical reports. Daily work will include team-oriented tasks requiring collaboration among team members and oversight of consultants. Prior TDM experience is preferred but not required.
Project Lead for the Commuter Connections Regional TDM Evaluation Project. Collect data generated by program participants and report at monthly, quarterly, and annual frequencies to interested stakeholders. Coordinate triennial calendar of surveys that lead to the publication of technical reports.
Oversee contractual work performed by the Regional TDM Evaluation Consultant team. Assist Program Manager in developing and reviewing scopes of work (SOW). Collaborate with COG’s procurement team to issue contracts and/or contract amendments. Monitor work conducted by contractors and provide guidance, as needed.
Serve as staff lead to the Regional TDM Evaluation Workgroup, a group of network members who provide guidance and feedback to the Commuter Connections evaluation effort. This includes presenting work products to the workgroup, facilitating discussion, and collecting/analyzing feedback.
Proofread technical reports authored by the Regional TDM Evaluation consultant. Author reports associated with program monitoring, such as quarterly progress reports for program funders and stakeholders.
Mine database of 20,000 commuter records to generate relevant data for routine reporting. Generate custom reports for network members as requested.
Maintain and enhance visual data dashboards built with Microsoft Power BI on TDM program participation and impacts.
Maintain a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) database with over thirty contributors throughout the region. Enforce high data integrity standards. Assist and train contributors on proper data entry and maintenance. Run routine conformity reports to help evaluate contributors’ successes and growth opportunities.
Report annually to the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) National Transit Database (NTD) as part of the Commuter Connections ‘Pool Rewards Vanpool Subsidy program.
Collaborate with a variety of team members, such as the TDM Program Manager, Principal GIS Analyst, Database Administrator, and TDM Marketing Manager to procure necessary data that informs strategic decision making for Commuter Connections’ focus areas and marketing.
Make presentations of significant activities to committee groups as assigned.
See website for additional job details.
TDM-CP Encouraged to Apply