Member spotlight: Scott Miklos
Scott Miklos is a Trip Reduction Analyst at the RTC of Washoe County and the President of ACT's Valley of the Sun Chapter. In this month's member spotlight, read about Scott's story, career, and time in ACT.
Please introduce yourself and your organization
The Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County is the MPO for the county. I have been here for almost 6 years. In my position, I oversee our TDM programs, which include our vanpool program, our RTC Smart Trips website, our ED Pass programs with the local colleges, our bus pass subsidy programs, and all things TDM. I'm a one-person department so the buck does stop here.
What brought you to TDM and how did you get involved in the field?
In 1987 I was the Employee Advocate for our aerospace company as we were non-union. Southern California enacted their Regulation XV which required companies of 100 or more to create a Trip Reduction program. Since it was a "people problem" it was given to me. I enjoyed the challenge and learning about TDM. In 1990 & 1991 I attended classes in TDM at Cal State Fullerton and earned a certificate in TDM from the University.
Why did you get involved in ACT?
I joined ACT in 1987 as a way to learn more about TDM and to help me write our work plans for the SCAQMD. My first conference was the 1990 Long Beach conference where we were able to get "SCAQMD" certified.
What has been the most memorable moment of your experience in ACT?
Co-chairing the 2003 International Conference.
What would you tell someone thinking about becoming a member of ACT?
It's a great way to learn about TDM. Everyone is very open to sharing ideas and loves when you take their ideas and adapt them to your area. If you need to find out anything, the chapters and councils are a great resource.
EVs and AVs will not help us with congestion and only a little with pollution. Most areas know that and are starting to turn more to TDM to help, both in their planning and ordinances. We need to be ready to assist them.