Member spotlight: Aaron Buckley, TDM-CP

Member Spotlights,

Meet Aaron Buckley, TDM-CP. Aaron is a Parking Manager at Mayo Clinic and the Chair of ACT's Certification Board of Trustees. In this month's member spotlight, you'll learn about Aaron's career, professional motivation, and role in ACT.

What other titles and roles have you had throughout your career? 
Transportation Planner with the Fairbanks Metropolitan Area Transportation System (Fairbanks, AK), Transportation Planner, North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization (Fort Collins, CO), Transportation Demand Management Professional, Colorado State University (Fort Collins, CO), Transit and Parking Coordinator, City of Rochester (Rochester, MN)

What brought you to TDM and how long have you worked in the industry?

I have always been passionate about transportation and working to affect change. My first full-time TDM role was at Colorado State University seven years ago with Aaron Fodge TDM-CP, Erika Benti TDM-CP, and many other wonderful colleagues. Since then I have advocated for TDM principles in my professional and personal roles through a number of positions and many non-profit boards.

What is something you enjoy about the industry?

I enjoy solving transportation challenges and finding new ways to encourage people to leave the car at home. Whether it be a work trip or an errand, we are faced with many decisions along the journey. Being able to incentivize behaviors that help build community, save money, and lower stress is an amazing opportunity. I am confident the practice of TDM will continue to expand and we can all play a part in making a non-drive alone trip the first choice.

What motivates you professionally?

I am motivated by my staff and colleagues who help keep a smile on our patient's faces through the end of their visit with us. They work every day to elevate our practice from good to great. Being able to help remove roadblocks for them and others is extremely rewarding. Furthermore, a focus on 'controlling the controllables' in my work and making positive steps towards larger goals everyday has been paying off with near-term, people focused transportation improvements being build into our new development plans.

What inspired you to seek election to become a TDM-CP trustee?

I was interested in finding a way to learn more, help with organizational continuity, and grow the practice of TDM.

How would you describe ACT's community in three words?

I believe ACT's community is passionate, giving, and elevating. It is clear members take TDM principles to heart and incorporate them in their professional work. They give time to ACT and causes they care about through the Connect Community and other TDM listservs. Finally, they share opportunities and collaborate on internal work at ACT and on broader TDM projects in their respective roles. Other words that come to mind are inclusive, educated, and fun!

Please share one of your favorite events or memories from your time in ACT

I have had some wonderful experiences at the International Conferences, the ImpACT! Leadership program, and through the ACT Councils. One of my favorite memories was at the 2019 International Conference in New York, NY when Aaron Fodge in his best and most dramatic mountaineering crawl made his way up the stage to plant a New Belgium Fat Tire Beer on top of the ACT logo to celebrate the conference coming to Denver, CO. Unfortunately, the pandemic had other plans and finally in 2024 the conference was held in Denver.

What is something within the association that you're looking forward to?

I am looking forward to the introduction of the seven new chapters of the TDM-CP study guide that were unveiled at the International Conference.  

What is something you're passionate about?
I am passionate about finding opportunities to educate people on the many facets of TDM. There is so much opportunity in a large organization to make improvements with minimal time and budget that have an outsized impact. Being able to communicate these ideas, chip away at realizing them, and ultimately implementing them is a wonderful feeling.

What is something you enjoy doing in your free time?

I enjoy long-distance bicycle racing. Being able to focus on that next turn, or getting over the immediate hill allows me to disconnect from the day-to-day stress and enjoy the world passing under my wheels. I recently enjoyed the Day Across Minnesota Ride or DAMn Ride which includes 240 miles of gravel from South Dakota to Wisconsin in 24 hours.

What is a fun fact about you?
I was born in Australia!

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