Top TDM Achievements from the Biden-Harris Administration

Public Policy,

As we enter the final few days of the Biden Administration, ACT wants to recognize the positive developments in transportation that have occurred over the past 4 years.

One of the administration's largest achievements was the passing of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). The law authorized up to $108 billion to be spent on public transportation - the largest governmental investment in public transportation in American history. The BIL included the new Carbon Reduction Program, which required each state to submit a “State Carbon Reduction Strategy” to lay out projects to reduce CO2 emissions from on-road highway sources. Through this program, the government will provide $6.4 billion over a 5-year period for qualifying programs, including many TDM initiatives across the country.

Further, through the Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act of 2024, ACT was able to advocate for and successfully include language requiring that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) conduct a study on the use of Transportation Demand Management in United States airports. The inclusion of this study into the law was a major policy victory for ACT and will lay the groundwork for future airport-based TDM strategies.

The Biden Administration was able to pass the Inflation Reduction Act representing the federal government’s largest ever investment in addressing climate change. The legislation included support for active transportation by allocating funds to improve bike and pedestrian infrastructure, as well as funding for electric vehicle charging stations, in efforts to decarbonize our transportation system.

Finally, the Administration produced the National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization, a comprehensive strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions across all transportation modes. The Blueprint identified TDM as an important lever in achieving these goals.

ACT commends the achievements of the Biden administration in creating a cleaner future, progressing efficient modes of transportation, increasing accessibility and equity in transit, and all around supporting TDM.

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