Here's why you should take a TDM Week pledge

General News,

TDM Week is swiftly approaching, and now is the time to plan and start working on your pledge. If you participated in TDM Week 2023, you likely saw the significant growth of the event from previous years. We're excited to continue building from its success, and we began to prepare extra early this year.

The theme of this year's event is Carbon Reduction, and four sub-themes that you can consider are State DOT Climate Reduction Plans, TDM's role in decarbonization, congestion, corporate sustainability/ESG Scope 3 Category 7, and efficiency. Pledges should center around carbon reduction and engage decision-makers and key TDM stakeholders in your community.

Your voice matters  

With such strong participation in TDM Week, it may be easy to underestimate the importance of your pledge, but please know that each and every one matters! ACT's membership and greater community is spread throughout the country and beyond, and we can make a difference on a larger scale by banding together. TDM Week is truly a movement, and there are many ways to get involved. 

A pledge is composed of two parts, one pre-TDM Week pledge and one post-TDM Week pledge. ACT collects information during both times to ensure we have information about intended and completed plans. The pre-TDM Week pledge form is live on the website, and the post-TDM Week form will be circulated shortly. Please be sure to complete both forms!

What can I pledge?

There are numerous ways to get involved, and we encourage you to select one or multiple. The more pledges we have, the larger the impact of TDM Week. Pledges include:

  • Post on social media in line with ACT's guidelines (personal)
  • Post on social media in line with ACT's guidelines (organization)
  • Work with local leaders/organizations to post on social media with hashtag (e.g. State DOT Secretary, transit agency CEO, local transit influencer)
  • Collect a signed letter of support for TDM from local leaders/key stakeholders (e.g. corporations, planning commissions, MPOs, governing bodies)
  • Host a virtual event (e.g. webinar)
  • Publish a press release 
  • Write an op-ed in a local news outlet
  • Write an op-ed in a national news outlet
  • Host a meeting with an elected official (local, statewide, national) 
  • Coordinate a legislative request for a TDM Week resolution/proclamation - start June/July
  • Work with DOT/agency to check in on TDM within Carbon Reduction Strategies 
  • Host an in-person event 
  • Introduce new TDM strategy within your organization or community (e.g. install new bike rack) 
  • Work with elected officials to introduce new TDM policy 
  • Other

As you may note, there is an option for "Other," which provides you the freedom to make a pledge that best suits you, your organization, or your community. We encourage you to think creatively. How can you engage decision-makers and key TDM stakeholders during this week?

Learn more about TDM Week

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