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Wendy Karsch, TDM-CP


Vanpool Data & Security Administrator

Utah Transit Authority

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Professional Bio

My career in transit started in 1990, working under Marketing in the in-house print shop. We were a full-service shop that printed bus schedules and in-house materials for other departments.
I transitioned into Rideshare around 2000 as a clerk. I was responsible for processing transportation surveys and creating density maps for employers who were implementing trip reduction plans. I also processed carpool match requests and mailed the results before we updated software to streamline carpool matching and vanpool management.
Beginning in 2008 vanpool groups were managed via web-based software and as a Vanpool-Rideshare Specialist I had a customer base of between 100 and 175 vanpool groups, which comprised individuals, corporate customers, and ski resorts.
In 2022 I became the Vanpool Data & Security Administrator. The program became self-insured, and the role was created to help mitigate risks and monitor the fleet through telematics.


Utah Transit Authority
ACT Logo Organization Member

Rocky Mountain
Carpool, Vanpool
Areas of Interest
Advocacy, Carpooling, Community Engagement, Vanpooling