
As the TDM industry continues to develop and evolve, a TDM professional is expected to keep up to date with the latest policies and practices, and to contribute to the advancement of the industry through knowledge sharing and leadership.

To maintain and renew certification, a TDM-CP must earn a minimum number of Continuing Education Credits (CECs) per 2-year period:

  • In the Industry Leadership Category, a minimum of 30 credits per 2-year period is required. As an example, serving on an ACT Chapter Board for the full 2-year period is equivalent to meeting the criteria. When serving in roles that do not cover the entire 2-year period, credits will be awarded based on their monthly incremental value that is applicable to the period.
  • In the Professional Development Category, a minimum of 30 credits per 2-year period is required. As an example, attending the ACT International Conference each year is equivalent to meeting the criteria.

Here is an example of how easy it is to earn your recertification credits over a 2-year period:

Professional Development

Attend International Conference in year 1 = 20 credits

Attend two chapter meetings = 10 credits


Serve as National Awards Judge one time = 5 credits

Volunteer with a TDM related organization outside of ACT = 10 credits

Write an article for Connections Newsletter = 10 credits

Post 5 discussion topics on Connect = 5 credits

Submit TDM-CP Credits

For detailed information on recertification, please see the TDM-CP Candidate Handbook.

There are many options for TDM-CPs to earn their recertification credits.  You can review the list of available opportunities below, which include self-directed learning, conference attendance, participation in chapter/council meetings, and volunteering within ACT and other activities.

All ACT-sponsored webinars held since the date you received certification are eligible for credit as detailed in the TDM-CP Candidate Handbook. As well, Spring Into TDM events, International Conferences, and ACT's TDM Forums all qualify for credit in accordance with the points allowed in the Handbook. In addition, participation in any previous ImpACT! Leadership program is eligible for recertification.

You are required to track and provide documentation for points you submit. It is recommended that monitor your recertification activities and report them in your Prolydian account on an ongoing basis to ensure you receive recertification.

You can view information on webinars and conferences that you have registered for by logging in to your profile on the ACT website.

Submit TDM-CP Credits


Available Credit Opportunities

Industry Leadership - 30 Credits Require

Serve as a member of the ACT Board of Directors, CBOT, or Center for TDM 20
Serve as an officer for an ACT Chapter Board (President, VP, Secretary, or Treasurer) 20
Serve as a Chair, Vice Chair, or Secretary of a National Board Committee or Council  20
Write/Co-author authorized study material for certification exam – topic and final content must be approved by CBOT  20
Serve on an ACT Chapter Board (not an officer)  15
Serve as a Council Committee Chair (Research, Programming, etc) 15
Serve as an appointed member of an ACT National Board Committee (not an officer)  15
Serve on exam development committee as an item writer   15
Conduct an approved certification workshop or training course  15
Serve as a member of a national planning committee for an ACT conference or event 10
Write an article or thought piece that is published in ACT’s Connections Newsletter or Public Policy Newsletter  10
Meet with members of Congress or Congressional staff to advocate for support of TDM  10
Meet with legislative representatives in your State to advocate for support of TDM  10
Serve as a member of a local or regional planning committee for an ACT conference or event  5
Serve as a judge or reviewer for ACT conference session proposals or awards  5
Volunteer as a Conference Buddy 5
Have an article/opinion piece/letter to the editor of newspapers and other industry newsletter published on the value, impacts, or benefits of TDM programs or policies 5
Actively volunteer in a local, regional, or state TDM organization other than ACT    5
Post a new discussion topic on Connect 1 (5 max) 

Professional Development - 30 Credits Required Credits/Item/Year
Attend at ACT International Conference   20
ImpACT! Leadership program Instructor 20
Attend ACT TDM Forum      15
Attend Spring Summit (Future of Commuting, Climate Action, West Coast Regional) 15
Conduct and publish original research endorsed by ACT or the Center for TDM  15
Graduation from ImpACT! Leadership program  15
Attend an approved certification workshop or training course 1-15
Attend at ACT-sponsored policy event or fly-in  10
Attend conference workshop at ACT International Conference 10
Present at an ACT conference, summit, forum or webinar  10 (20 max)
Write and publish a case study or fact sheet for publication on the ACT website  5 (10 max)
Attend at a professional event hosted by an ACT Chapter 5 (10 max)
Attendance at an approved professional event or training outside of ACT 5 (10 max)
Participate in an academic course from an accredited institution directly related to the field of TDM . Courses should be submitted for approval prior to taking to ensure acceptance 5 (10 max)
Attend ACT Chapter Event 5
Receive an ACT National Award 5
Attend ACT Chapter Meeting 2
Attend ACT Council Meeting 2
Attend at ACT-hosted webinar 1 (10 max)