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Mobile Session - Creative Placemaking with Transit and People-Focused Planning

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Tuesday, August 6 - 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

This mobile presentation will begin at Denver Union Station, where participants will learn about the history of the historic property and the transit-oriented development that has come as a result of its restoration. Participants will then take the RTD G-Line to Olde Town Arvada. Walking to various points of interest, participants will learn about the city's efforts to improve the pedestrian experience, including discussions about transit-oriented development, parking management, micromobility, transit, bicycling, street closures, and the city's visioning efforts related to future development in and around the historic neighborhood. Also discussed are the developments that have occurred around other commuter rail stations in the city that reduce single-occupancy vehicle use. Following the mobile tour, participants will return to Denver via the RTD-G Line.

Session led by:
Brandon Figliolino, Manager, Community Engagement, Regional Transportation District (RTD)
Kellee Van Bruggen, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, City of Arvada

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Please note that the $10 price is a hold fee which is refundable in the form of a gift card upon check-in.

Price: $10

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