Take your career to the next level with ImpACT! Leadership

General News,

Apply for a life-changing leadership experience!

ACT is excited to share that applications for the 2025 ImpACT! Leadership cohort are now open. This program is the premier educational and professional development program for rising leaders in the TDM industry. Over its 10 months, it features extensive professional development, education, and leadership training opportunities that will help you expand your knowledge base, develop lasting connections, and level up your skills.

ACT invites all eligible applicants to apply and looks forward to welcoming a diverse mix of TDM professionals to the next cohort. If you're seeking a chance to prioritize your career, learning, and professional network, look no further!

As a participant, you will:

- Join your cohort for a three day in-person seminar learning from professional trainers and ACT leaders
- Participate in monthly virtual roundtables with industry leaders
- Gain a strong foundation for personal and professional growth
- Build a network of industry peers
- Work with a team to advance an industry-focused project
- Develop a holistic understanding of TDM
- Become empowered to lead your organization and ACT!

We encourage you to review the information packet and application to learn more about this life-changing opportunity. Get ready to make an impACT on your leadership skills and career!

Review the application 

Read the 2025 information packet

Applications are due on Friday, August 30.

Hear from members of the 2024 ImpACT! Leadership cohort

"Leadership training and relationship building are cornerstones of professional development. ACT hits the mark with ImpACT! especially with an emphasis and deep dive on Clifton Strengths Finder," said Ricardo Gotla, TDM Program Supervisor at the Washington State Department of Transportation. "The framework is practical, intuitive, and effective and the certified facilitators are excellent. In addition, the in-person time the cohort spent together was fun! What’s not to like. Highly recommended."  

“The ACT ImpACT! Leadership program provided such an enriching experience full of networking and team bonding activities with fellow TDM professionals as well as learning opportunities for leveraging personal and team strengths to enhance collaboration, efficiency, and overall work/life satisfaction," said Kaylei Verrill, Senior Sustainable Mobility Specialist at ICF. "I highly recommend this program to anyone looking to become a more holistic leader and to delving into the details of TDM. Not only will the program enhance your TDM career, but it will also equip you with the tools to become a better leader.

Read more from 2024 participants about their experience and in-person seminar...

Want to learn more? Visit the link below to register for an information session on July 15.

July 15 from 3-4 p.m. ET

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