Get ready for the most expansive TDM Week yet!

General News,

Learn how to join the TDM Week movement

Following an extremely successful event last year, ACT is excited to continue the TDM Week momentum and make 2024 the biggest and best yet. Save the date for September 16-20 and read the details below to learn how to get involved!

What is TDM Week?

TDM Week is an opportunity to create awareness among decision-makers and key TDM stakeholders about the importance of including a range of safe and reliable modes of transportation for all users in the transportation planning process. This week is a time to share the importance of enacting programs that reduce the carbon footprint of transportation in our communities. 

The theme of this year's observance is carbon reduction, and all ACT members, non-members in the field, and other interested parties are encouraged to take a pledge to get involved.

Visit the TDM Week page

ACT Chapters and Councils have received specific guidance about expectations for TDM Week. These documents are available on Connect and the TDM Week webpage.

How to track your TDM Week pledges

There are many ways to participate in TDM Week this year, and we've prepared a menu of options for you to choose from. Strong participation is expected, and TDM Week pledge forms will be used to track involvement. Participants are asked to fill out two forms - one ahead of TDM Week to share their intended plans, and one after TDM Week to report on their execution.

Having an event? Want to uplift a proclamation in your county or state? Share details in your pledge form and ACT will promote them. All pre-TDM week pledges should be submitted by Friday, August 30 and all post-TDM week pledge details are due by Friday, September 27.

View the pledge form

Individuals can complete pledges on behalf of an organization, ACT Chapter or Council, or on their own. The pre-TDM Week pledge form is available now, and it's never too early to begin planning - especially if you're submitting a time-sensitive item such as a proclamation.

Members and non-members alike are encouraged to take a pledge. Together, we can share TDM's many personal and societal benefits with decision-makers and key stakeholders to create a better journey for everyone.

Questions about TDM Week can be directed to Allison Caravella at