Class of 2023

Group 1- Student Engagement Project

Andrea Aguilera, CSU Fullerton
Magic Aguinaga, Intercity Transit
Mandy Basile, Genentech
Walter Kolis, Emory University/Clifton Corridor TMA
Alex Zimmerman, TripShot

This project will determine what students know about TDM, what they are looking for career-wise, and what ACT can provide.

If you want to volunteer to help engage students, please provide your information: 

Volunteer to Engage Students

Group 2 - TDM Funding Project

Jane Bowman Brady, GO ITHACA
Evangelos Gatseos, Denver South EDP
Meghan Mathson, Metro Nashville Planning Department
Amanda Meyer, Central Indiana Regional Transportation Authority
Alex Temkin, RideAmigos

This project aims to develop a short guide for ACT members to help them understand the different funding streams available and determine what might work best for their programs.

Please provide input about your funding sources to assist this project!

Group 3 - The Return of Terry TDM Project

Lyndell Fusello, Google
Julie Mazur, CapMetro
Jena Peevy Shaw, Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County
Peter Williamson, Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG)

This group will build upon work that was done by the 2022 ImpACT! Leadership group to determine the career path of the “average TDM practitioner,” aka Terry TDM.

Share how you became a Transportation Demand Management professional and help us understand opportunities for industry recruitment and engagement.