Exam Content Outline
The exam content is organized in domain areas based on the knowledge, skills, and abilities identified through a jobs analysis survey completed in 2018. The following provides information on the weighting of each domain and sub-domain area and the potential type and number of questions that form each exam.
Domain I: Foundations of Transportation Demand Management
(23% of exam)
- Applying fundamental concepts
- Transportation planning (e.g., parking requirements, integration of land use, access requirements)
- Transportation engineering (e.g., signalization, level of service, road design, complete streets)
- Behavior change
- Marketing and sales
- Current transportation issues, trends, demographic, and planning processes
- Traffic management and operations (e.g., live public transport information, ride matching, connected vehicles, ITS, wayfinding)
- Travel options (e.g., vanpooling, public transit, biking, walking)
- Economic development
- Sustainability (e.g., social, financial, and ecological)
- Delivery mechanisms (e.g., non-profits, in-house, universities, employers, private/public partnerships, Transportation Management Associations)
- Recognize impact of Federal Transportation Policy
- Relevant legislation (e.g., Clean Air Act, NEPA, transportation authorization, ADA)
- Tax benefits of TDM programming (e.g., pre-tax elections)
- Role of federal government (e.g., USDOT, EPA, Congress)
Domain II: Program Planning and Development
(26% of exam)
- Select relevant data sources for needs/gap analysis
- Observational data collection (e.g., manual counts, journey mapping, consumer feedback)
- End user surveys (e.g., employer, student, residential, commuter, patron)
- Data capture metrics (e.g., passenger counters, bus stop monitoring, traffic studies, parking surveys)
- Engineering/planning studies
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Demographic data (e.g., census, municipal/county/state population data)
- Benchmarking and evidence-based case studies
- Interpret data collected for needs analysis/gap analysis
- Perform cost/benefit analysis (e.g., ROI, triple bottom line)
- Create programming proposals/plans (e.g., scope, target market, deliverables, goals)
- Select sources for program funding/resources (e.g., grant funding, revenue streams)
- Participate in Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
- Proposal submission and award process
- Service contracting
Domain III: Program Management
(26% of exam)
- Manage Finances
- Budgeting
- Fee setting
- Accounting
- Reporting
- Manage Relationships
- Stakeholders
- Customers and potential customers
- Vendors
- Maintain program records (e.g., database, CRM, meeting minutes, program participation)
- Implement communication and outreach including:
- Printed program materials
- Publications (e.g., reports, press releases, articles)
- Digital communications (e.g., interactive, social media, blog posts, e-blasts, website, mobile applications)
- Personal outreach (e.g., transportation fairs, presence at community events, site visits)
- Presentations to municipal departments, outside agencies, and other joint-venture stakeholders
Domain IV: Program Performance Monitoring
(25% of exam)
- Assess program using multi-source performance metrics
- Mode split
- Air quality
- Parking
- Ridership
- Employer benefits
- Customer satisfaction
- Create and present program performance reporting to stakeholders and customers
- Develop compliance reporting
- Perform ongoing quality control/quality assurance
- Recommend program changes based on assessments