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Take ACTion January Meeting

Geared towards new members, this meeting is valuable to all members.

Friday, January 26, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EST)


Event Details

Looking for guidance on how to get more engaged in the Association for Commuter Transportation? Join us for an informative review of some ways you can get involved with ACT, take advantage of the benefits of membership, and contribute to the TDM industry!
During these meetings, we break down different engagement opportunities into easy steps. See how you can get involved in the ACT community, educational and professional development opportunities, and contribute to best practices and TDM trends. Whatever your interest and availability, there is a place for you!

For More Information:

Elizabeth A. Denton
Elizabeth A. Denton
Director of Membership Association for Commuter Transportation (202)792-5801x104