Wendy Karsch, TDM-CP


Vanpool Data & Security Administrator

Utah Transit Authority

Professional Bio

My career in transit started in 1990, working under Marketing in the in-house print shop. We were a full-service shop that printed bus schedules and in-house materials for other departments.
I transitioned into Rideshare around 2000 as a clerk. I was responsible for processing transportation surveys and creating density maps for employers who were implementing trip reduction plans. I also processed carpool match requests and mailed the results before we updated software to streamline carpool matching and vanpool management.
Beginning in 2008 vanpool groups were managed via web-based software and as a Vanpool-Rideshare Specialist I had a customer base of between 100 and 175 vanpool groups, which comprised individuals, corporate customers, and ski resorts.
In 2022 I became the Vanpool Data & Security Administrator. The program became self-insured, and the role was created to help mitigate risks and monitor the fleet through telematics.


Utah Transit Authority
669 W 200 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
ACT Logo Organization Member

Rocky Mountain
Carpool, Vanpool
Areas of Interest
Advocacy, Carpooling, Community Engagement, Vanpooling