Piloting the Accredited TDM Organization initiative

General News,

Following strong interest from members, the association recently launched an exploration of a TDM organization accreditation. As the leading advocate for TDM professionals, ACT is uniquely positioned to establish industry-wide criteria of excellence. We are pleased to share that a pilot program is officially underway to evaluate the accreditation process.

Whether organizations are seeking to strengthen external partnerships, expand their credibility, or increase program efficiency, the accreditation process has many benefits. This initiative provides a chance to establish a universally accepted set of standards and recognize high-performing organizations that provide TDM programs and services.

"ACT’s Accreditation effort has the potential to make a big impact on the TDM industry," said Thom Cerny, TDM-CP, Chair of the Accreditation Committee. "For the first time, we will be able to neutrally identify the characteristics of top-performing organizations, allowing others to better adjust and improve their programs and services.  We will also have a system in place that can provide funding sources greater assurance that their monies are being managed by well-prepared and impactful organizations.”

Who could become accredited?

Any organization that provides TDM programs and services would be eligible to seek accreditation. Some examples of eligible entities include TMAs, DOTs, MPOs, nonprofits, transit agencies, academic institutions, and employers.

It is important to note that the process does not evaluate specific programs, but the organizations that offer them.

How organizations are evaluated

Each participating organization will conduct an independent review of its processes and procedures. Upon completion, each submission will be evaluated by a neutral panel of subject matter experts and peers.

Organizations will be assessed in the following three areas: 

  1. Administrative/governance
    • Does the organization have the structure and processes in place to be successful?
  2. Contribution to the profession
    • Is the organization actively helping the profession improve?
  3. Collection, reporting, and sharing of standardized performance data 
    • What do the most successful TDM programs have in common?

Pilot program timeline

The pilot officially kicked off in April, and participating organizations have until November 1 to complete accreditation requirements. Each month, the full group will meet to review progress, identify any roadblocks, and provide feedback. 

"Each organization participating in the pilot is helping ACT fine-tune standards that will guide the industry forward," said David Straus, Executive Director of ACT. "Accreditation sets the bar high for excellence in the field and encourages organizations to continue improving, growing, and expanding their programs. As a leading voice in TDM, ACT is proud to be pioneering this initiative."

Following a successful pilot, ACT intends to launch the "Accredited TDM Organization" program in 2025.

ACT tentatively plans to announce organizations that have earned accreditation in February of 2025. These organizations will be the industry's first to become an Accredited TDM Organization! Thank you to all who have expressed interest in this accreditation for your participation and support.